Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Perspective Time

Rice More Sordid Than Foley: "Call me old school, but I am still more concerned with the Republicans molesting Lady Liberty while pretending to be guarding the nation's security, an assignment which they have totally botched. The news about the Foley coverup, while important as yet another example of extreme hypocrisy on the part of the Republican virtues police, should not be allowed to obscure the latest evidence of administration deceit as to its egregious ineptness in protecting the nation."

oh my god... how could you ignore the plight of privileged white american children?

if I were a regular contributor, I would call this an installment of perspective time.

I will not deny the icky grossness of the Foley situation. But... its perspective time, and I'm going to point out that the US government and its proxies forcibly detain, sexually abuse, torture, and kill innocent people, some of them children, all over the world. But I guess that doesn't fucking matter, because the victims are not privileged white american children.

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