Sunday, March 05, 2006

they always swim to the left

they always swim to the left

picked up some swedish fish from the checkout maze at the emeryvile 'best buy' -- wifeykins won't touch them, but they're the real deal.
Oh, the anguish and disappointment of eating even a single fish shaped item of incorrect texture or flavors. Oh, the memories of the candy counter at the exceedingly lowbrow sears of my childhood in middle-middle-class (lower-middle-middle-class?) near-suburban detroit. 

Oh, the not quite natural, not-quite-raspberry flavor, slightly lemony, possibly lingonberry?

And the texture -- how to describe it? somewhere between a quality gumdrop and a gummi bear, with a very thin, almost waxy surface.

These, which I personally vouch for:
* actually say 'swedish' on the side of the fish. I never noticed that before.
* packaged in a yellow bag saying the original Swedish Fish, with a printed scaly (scales running sieways, as if on a fish swimming to the left) texture
* ® Registered trademark of MalacoLeaf, AB, Sweden
* manufactured (under license) in Canada
* distributed in USA by Jaret International (CS) Inc., of Iselin NJ

update: many photos at flickr

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