<category scheme='http://www.blogger.com/atom/ns#' term='gripe'></category>
and here's how we use it...
GData: updating an entry
should be pretty easy from here. Maybe a nice little flex app.
less drinky, more nerdy
<category scheme='http://www.blogger.com/atom/ns#' term='gripe'></category>
tell application "iTunes"
set myresult to ""
repeat with myTrack in tracks of view of first browser window
set myresult to myresult & name of myTrack & tab & artist of myTrack & return
end repeat
end tell
set the clipboard to myresult
say "done"
awk 'BEGIN {RS="\r"; FS="\t"; OFS="\t"} {print $1, $2 }' myPlaylist.txt
awk 'BEGIN {RS="\r"; FS="\t"; OFS="\t"} {print $1, $2 }' myPlaylist.txt > cleanedPlaylist.txt