Saturday, December 30, 2006

the labels bee

here's the field we want to use...

<category scheme='' term='gripe'></category>

and here's how we use it...
GData: updating an entry

should be pretty easy from here. Maybe a nice little flex app.

the rope

Lenin said "The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them." Wouldn't the socialists try to get it free as it was for the common good and all?

Friday, December 29, 2006

maybe if I get a bee in my bonnet

project: make blogger API app to make it super-easy to apply tags 'labels' to your old posts

bonus points for integration with yr other blogs, flickr, and/or tags

the applescript method

get the name and artist of each track in the current playlist
and put the whole danged list onto yr clipboard

to make it super-handy, turn on script menu and drop this script into your itunes scripts folder

use at your own risk, disclaim, etc.

CC noncommercial sharealike attribution
drinknerd 12/29/2007

tell application "iTunes"
set myresult to ""
repeat with myTrack in tracks of view of first browser window
set myresult to myresult & name of myTrack & tab & artist of myTrack & return
end repeat
end tell

set the clipboard to myresult
say "done"

how to process an exported playlist

this is the no XML, no AppleScript method

  1. select the playlist
  2. menu: [File][Export...]

    (system will open a dialog titled "Save: iTunes")
  3. set the 'save as' filename to "myPlaylist.txt" (optional-- but it makes the example easier)
  4. set format to "Plain Text"
  5. press [Save]
  6. open the terminal
  7. cd to the directory where it was saved (I think default is Documents)
  8. here's the magic: (enter it all on one line)

    awk 'BEGIN {RS="\r"; FS="\t"; OFS="\t"} {print $1, $2 }' myPlaylist.txt


    awk 'BEGIN {RS="\r"; FS="\t"; OFS="\t"} {print $1, $2 }' myPlaylist.txt > cleanedPlaylist.txt